People of Pluckers: Nic Hawk

"Being on The Voice was one of the most stressful situations I will ever be in. I lived in Los Angeles for a little bit after the show ended and the more time I spent there the more I realized the show taught me a lot about what I want in life. I don’t necessarily need to be BeyoncĂ©, I just want to be successful enough that I have everything I need in life. Right now I am focusing on family, me, and my fiancĂ©. We are getting married in March, and working for Pluckers allows me to save extra money in between singing gigs. After being on national television, I learned that any job you have is about selling yourself. You want to sell where these guests are eating, and Pluckers is a restaurant I can really get behind. I think that is what makes me stay, I came into work today and I saw that I was working with people that I genuinely enjoy spending time around."

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