People of Pluckers: Ashley Parraz

People of Pluckers: Ashley Parraz

"In January 2012 I got in a very bad car accident where I was extremely lucky to be alive, I broke both legs and shattered my heel/ankle. Not being able to walk I had to move back home to El Paso after moving to Austin and beginning my work at Pluckers back in 2007. Pluckers always told me I had a job when I came back and throughout my recovery my GM would continue to send me shift notes, and keep me in the loop at all times. As hard as it was I pushed myself to walk again as my goal was to get back to Pluckers. If it wasn’t for the care of Pluckers I probably would not have moved back to Austin but I’m glad I did as I met my girlfriend Kim and continued to move up within the company. From not being able to walk to where I am now it amazes me how far I’ve been able to get and I owe a lot of my success to Pluckers for always pushing me."

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